Tuesday, September 11, 2007


God has been so very good to me and to our church. For the past few weeks our focus on the Wednesday Evening “Link” has been on prayer. I have always known that God wanted me to pray…wanted me to talk with Him….wanted to do some incredible things wrought only by prayer, but in the past few weeks God has really impressed on my heart the awesome PRIVILEGE of PRAYER and the POWER available to us when we pray. I cannot get away from it. The message two weeks ago entitled “God Has Sent You An Invitation—R.S.V.P.” has encouraged my heart to keep sin confessed, to keep my hands opened unselfishly, and to not be silent, but to ask specific things from God!

And do you know what? GOD ANSWERS!! We had been praying about some financial needs for the Fall Campaign, since the summer has been a bit difficult financially. We prayed specifically that God would send in $10,000 for the Bible Study Books and the advertisement for the “Team Up” Campaign. Just after we started praying, God sent the first blessing. A young man who had been a member of King’s Way had moved to another city about 3 or 4 months ago. He came back to Charlotte and visited us at the church office recently. I greeted him. Then he went in to see Bro. David. When he left, Bro. David came into my office with a stack of tithe envelopes that the man brought to the church—each one containing his weekly tithe for 13 weeks, totally $4800! Praise the Lord! We had a shouting time of praise! That was almost half of the needed money we had prayed about. Then this last Friday, Donna went to the mail box to check the day’s mail, and God had sent in another $5200 from a family that had also moved away and had not been at our church for several months. Now what does that add up to??? $10,000—exactly what we needed and when we needed it!

I am so excited because I believe that God wants to pour out on his children who ask Him the riches of heaven! “We have not because we ask not…Ask and you shall receive!”

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