Thursday, November 22, 2007


The smells of Thanksgiving keep drawing me to the kitchen. Pecan Pies, Sweet Potatoes, Breads, Veggies, Turkey and Dressing, and one of our family traditions…Coffee Punch ! The list keeps growing because each one in our family brings something to the table. In a few hours we will gather around the table and enjoy being together and share God’s blessings and we will remember! Our sweet daughter Melody is in Texas with her family. We miss her so much. Thank God for the telephone!

This whole scene reminds me of Sunday Mornings at King’s Way. It’s a little like a family reunion where everyone, both young and old, brings something to the table. God, our Father, must smile as He watches His family gather to celebrate His goodness and to praise His name. The smiles, the laughter, the praise and worship, all bring us together. From babies giggling, to little boys wiggling, old men nodding, and teenagers prodding…what a great time we have!

Today memories flood my heart of past times both good and bad, and it fills my soul with gratitude. As I sit here in my office at home, I am thinking of you. This is the place where I pray for you and all our church family. This is where I study my Bible to be able to give a special word from the Lord each week.

I spent all last night at the hospital with one of our King's Way families. Matt Edenburn was in a terrible accident and is hanging between life and death. How glad I am for prayer and for God’s promises! As we stood in the Trauma Intensive Care Unit and held hands and prayed, I could not stop thanking the Lord for a church that believes in prayer and knows that we have a “Big God”!

But I am also reminded that there are still so many around us who do not know our Jesus yet. Let’s go tell them of a Savior that loves them and has made a way for us all to go to heaven.

Today I hope you laugh a lot, eat a lot, love a lot, and never forget the One who gives us all good things.

And by the way, don’t ever forget… we love you,

Pastor and Madell

Saturday, November 17, 2007


DBRADLEYPRICE.COM is back from vacation and ready to hear from you! Each week I will answer one reader's question and post my response here. Submit your questions here. I look forward to hearing from you.

Now enjoy some vacation pictures...